Sometimes I wish I’d made my AIM name jkjkjk.
Or I DJ’d as jkjkjk. Or I did something with jkjkjk...
Maybe I can use it for for my copywriting.
But when I think about it,
jkjkjk is a bit long for copy.
What if I shorten it to jkjk?
I’ll call it jkjk copywriting. Yeah.
That works.
A significant number of my dreams end in a flying car -- which is obviously the only solution to traffic in LA.
I used to believe it was good luck when the kitchen trash didn’t leak, then I just got stronger trash bags.
I was a high school rowing coach for 6 years, that means I’ve given roughly 1,400 speeches on teamwork, dedication, and trusting that the boat will always be faster when you pull together (That’s it. That’s the sample copy. No punchline. No jokes. Just some sincere stuff. Because it’s like that sometimes.)
I if I had to distill everything, I like when words and art meet in a way that feels a little civic, without losing their edge. I also like random stuff and things (like everyone else), and challenges, and doing what makes me happy, so I write with all that in mind.
Feel free to reach out anytime.
- Jake